Prof. Dr. Alp Yentür

Prof. Dr. Alp Yentür


Some of national and international scientific articles and book chapters (with over 90 publications);

- "Sympathetic Block. Edts: Serdar Erdine, Peter S. Staats. Complications of Pain Relieving Procedures An Illustrated Guide. Wiley Backwell. 2022. E.Alp 

- "Lumbar Disc Herniation, the Association Between Quantitative Sensorial Test and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings Pain Med 2018 Jul 1;19 (7):1373-1381. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx236. Erbüyün SC, Ovali GY, Özyurt B, Yentür EA."

- "Interventionalprocedures in Lowback Pain. Ajournal of TOTBİD, 2017, 16:161-168. doi: 10.14292/totbid.dergisi.2017.24. Emin Alp Yentür"

- "Pudendal Nerve Neuropathy: An Unknown-Rare Cause of Pelvic Pain. Arch Rheumatol 2016;31(x):i-ii. doi: 10.5606/ArchRheumatol.2016.5727. Zeliha Ünlü, Alp Yentur, Nazlı ÇakılBaş Ağrısı Tedavisinde Minimal İnvazif Girişimlerin Yeri. Actuel Medicine 2015: 23 (9-10) 24-28. E.Alp

- "Musculo-skeletal pain. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği Dergisi. 2015 Temmuz-Ağustos, cilt 7, sayı 4: 28-33. E. Alp Yentür"

- "WHO Ladder therapy in cancer pain: How much we know? How accurately we practice?. Paliative Medicine education booklet 1 Cilt 1, sayı 1. 2012. 1-4 E. Alp Yentür"

- Lumbar and cervical. Pain Actual Medicine 2012 (20): 54-61. E. Alp Yentür"

- "The role of interventional therapies in pan management. Doktor Journal. 2011 (63): 80-85 E. Alp Yentür"

- "Pelvic Pain. Pain Bulletin 2008/3 B. Gümüş, O. Üçer, E. Alp Yentür"

- "Postoperative pain and management in orthopedics. Pain Bulletin 2008/2, 1-4 E. Alp Yentür"

- "Medical therapy in cancer pain: Recommendations - Not recommended practices. Points to be careful about. Doktor, 2005, (27, Haziran Temmuz) 83-86. E. Alp Yentür"

- "The Role of Trigger Point Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis. The Pain Clinic, 15, 385-390 (2003). Yentür, E.A., Okcu, G. ve Yegül, İ."

- "Nervous Intermedius Neuralgia: An Uncommon Pain Syndrome with an Uncommon Etiology Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 19, 407-408 (2000) Yentür, E.A., Yegül, İ."

- "Diagnosis and therapeutic approaches in sympathetically maintained pain. Galenos Medical Journal, 5, 59-64, 1997. Yentür, E.A."

- "Organisation Des Soins Aux Malades Douloureux Chronique. Doulers du Neurone a l?homme Souffrant. ed. B. Claverie, D. Le Bars, N.Zavialoff, R. Dantzer. 161-176, Edition Eshel, Paris, 1991 Boureau, F., Doubrére, J.F., Yentür, E.A."

+90 530 470 58 91

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