
Accurate diagnosis is the most crucial step in the success of treatment…

Hand, Arm Pain Phantom Pain
General Body Pains Head, Neck Pain Hand, Arm Pain Shoulder Pain Low Back Pain Hip, Leg Pain

Phantom Pain

Phantom pain is the sensation of pain or discomfort felt in a lost limb or body part, despite the absence of any actual organ or damage at the perceived location. In this condition, the body still perceives the missing limb or damaged nerves as if they were still present and sends pain signals.

People may experience sensations such as burning, sharp pain, stabbing, throbbing, or tingling, while others may report different feelings like pressure, tension, or numbness. These pains are associated with the perception of the presence of the amputated limb.

Phantom pain is a complex and not fully understood condition, with its causes not completely known. Treatment can be intricate and varies for each individual, including options like medication, nerve blocks, physical therapy, neurostimulation techniques, and psychological support.

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