
Accurate diagnosis is the most crucial step in the success of treatment…

Head, Neck Pain Tension Headache
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Tension Headache

Tension headache is one of the most common types of headaches. Factors such as stress, muscle tightness, lack of sleep, poor posture, vision issues, improper use of a bed or pillow, and low fluid intake can trigger tension headaches.

These headaches are often characterized by a moderate, widespread pain felt on both sides of the head, accompanied by a sensation of pressure, squeezing, or tightness. They typically persist throughout the day and can recur frequently. Physical activity or stressful situations often exacerbate the symptoms.

Relief can be achieved through methods like rest, stress management, regular sleep, proper posture, and stretching exercises. Medications such as pain relievers or muscle relaxants can also help alleviate symptoms. However, in cases of frequently recurring severe headaches, interventional methods can provide long-term relief from the pain.

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