
Accurate diagnosis is the most crucial step in the success of treatment…

Head, Neck Pain Migraine
General Body Pains Head, Neck Pain Hand, Arm Pain Shoulder Pain Low Back Pain Hip, Leg Pain


Migraine typically manifests as severe, recurrent headaches accompanied by various symptoms. It usually appears as unilateral pain but can affect both sides of the head at times.

Migraine headaches often have a pulsating nature but can vary from person to person.

During a migraine attack, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivity to light or sound, sensitivity to smells, and sometimes visual disturbances (aura) may occur.

These attacks can last between a few hours and several days, impacting daily activities.

Common triggers include stress, hormonal changes, sleep irregularities, poor diet, specific foods, alcohol, caffeine, and environmental factors.

Migraine treatment involves two main strategies: one aimed at reducing symptom severity and preventing attacks, and the other focused on relieving pain. Preventive medications, lifestyle changes, stress management, sleep regulation, and avoiding triggers are part of the overall treatment approach.

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