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Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, or "lateral epicondylitis" in medical terms, is a condition causing pain and discomfort on the outer part of the elbow.

While commonly associated with tennis players, it can occur not only in tennis enthusiasts but also in other athletes and individuals engaging in repetitive motions in daily life.

Tennis elbow involves inflammation at the point where the tendons of forearm muscles attach to the bone on the outer side of the elbow. Micro-tears and damage to the tendons occur due to repetitive movements or overuse, resulting in increased pain, sensitivity, and weakened grip on the outer side of the elbow when the elbow and wrist are moved.

A similar condition on the inner side of the elbow is referred to as "golfer's elbow" or "medial epicondylitis."

Treatment typically includes rest, pain-relieving medications, ice application, elbow braces or splints, and methods such as steroid injections.
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